Tall Worlds Mod
The sky is no longer the limit
- Download Tall Worlds Mod

This is a prototype mod
Basically, this version is going to break. A lot. Expect it.
Don't expect to be able to add this mod and play a world like normal. Don't expect to be able to play this mod with any of your other mods. It's not a fully-functioning mod. It's just a prototype.
It's going to crash. It's going to destroy your worlds. It's going to erase your amazing builds. It's going to have lighting glitches. It's going to generate terrains that are ridiculous. It might even have horrible lag and crappy frame rates.
When you find problems like this, please report them in our issue tracking system.
The whole purpose of the beta is to give the mod to players so they can find bugs. Once the bugs are known, they can be fixed. Please help us know about the bugs. =)
It's not going to be compatible with anything else at all. Not world editors, not other mods, not map renderers. Nothing. Nadda.
It doesn't even support servers yet.
Eventually these things will happen, but not on day 1. Until then, Tall Worlds Mod is just client-only and it lives in a vaccuum all by itself.
While we're beta testing things, don't spend too much time on the Ultimate Tall Amazingest build. There's probably going to be a bug that will destroy it. You'll probably be sad because the beta destroyed your work.
Here are a few rules to help you minimize the pain that the beta might cause:
- Always backup your worlds before playing with highly experimental mods and modding systems!
- Tall Worlds Mod will never write over the chunks of a vanilla world. Your vanilla world chunks are always safe, even though Minecraft may think your vanilla world is gone. Don't worry, unless you explicitly deleted the world files in your file manager, your vanilla world is still there.
- That said, don't ever tell Tall Worlds Mod to load a vanilla world! It doesn't know it shouldn't, and it will try to generate a tall world with the same name. It won't overwrite the chunks of your vanilla world, but any other world-related metadata could be overwritten.
- Don't load a tall world in vanilla Minecraft either. Minecraft doesn't know what the heck a tall world is and I can't tell it not to load them. Vanilla Minecraft will never erase your tall world chunks, but other world-related metadata may be overwritten. Vanilla Minecraft will probably try to generate a vanilla world with the same name in this case, but I've never tried it, so I honestly don't know what will happen. =)
Obviously this behavior isn't ideal. We just haven't spent any time trying to fix it yet. Feel free to send bug reports and suggestions for how to make things better.
Tall Worlds Mod is designed to run only on a special (and highly experimental) mod loader called M3L. You can read more about it and download it here:
Make sure you use the M3L version that matches the Tall Worlds version, and make sure vanilla Minecraft 1.8.3 is already installed.
You must install M3L before you can play Tall Worlds Mod. Don't try to make Forge load the mod. Forge might actually try, but it will probably complain and do something bad.
Once M3L is installed, put the Tall Worlds Mod jar file in your mods folder. eg .minecraft/mods
If the mods folder isn't there for some reason, just make a folder called "mods"
I think that's it for now. Enjoy the mod and send any bugs to our bug tracker.
Installation Instructions
- Download Tall Worlds Mod to your minecraft/mods folder
- Download and install M3L. Make sure you download the right version of M3L for the version of Tall Worlds Mod you downloaded. The required M3L version for each Tall Worlds version is listed on the Tall Worlds Mod download page.
Development status
Tall Worlds is Retired.
No further development will happen.
Cuchaz - lead developer
Razaekel - developer
Barteks2x - developer
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